So Banky's first time at the Bark Park turned out to be quite the experience.
We got there around noon and there were 2 areas, like there usually is. One for bigger dogs and one for little dogs, handicapped dogs and older dogs. One of the first things I noticed was that there was a big ol Pitbull in the little dog section, but I figured that maybe that dog had little dogs in its home and that maybe they were all playing together. I didn't want to be a racial profiler (or a BREED profiler in this case) haha.
About the same time I notice the Pitbull I see this total douche bag guy, early 20's, running around playing with a bunch of dogs, but clearly a douche bag.
So anyway- Ben and I are sitting with Banksy and he's being pretty shy, it being his first time and all... when the Pitbull sort of attacks this littler dog and a bunch of people run to break it up. Well, up comes the owner of the little dog all frantic and grabbing the little guy and she goes- "I've told you 3 times now- your dog is too fucking big to be in here! Take him over there!!"
To which the douchebag and owner of the Pitbull says- "Fuck you lady!"
Lady- "No fuck YOU! And next time your fucking dog bites mine I'll have him put down! He's started 3 fights already- get OUT!"
Then another guy from across the park sees that the guy is being a douche, and very rude I may add- all this cursing is even making ME uncomfortable... and he yells "dude, take your dog to the big dog section- there's two sections!"
The douche ignores everyone and sort of crosses his arms in protest and lets his dog run around some more. There's some serious tension at this point.
And the douche goes "You know what? Shut the fuck up! and YOU! (to the other guy across the park) You shut the fuck up too!"
SO THEEEEEEN other guy grabs the Pitbull by the collar and says "Fine, I'll take your fucking dog myself!" And then the douche lost it. He ran towards the guy "DONT TOUCH MY DOG!" and a full on fist fight broke out. It was the stupidest thing I have ever seen. A guy from the big dog park jumped the fence and started punching the douche and then Ben ran over to try to help break it up. It was like high school all over again.
Finally the douche took a hint (and some punches to the ribs) and left.
That was my first experience at a dog park. We'll see what happens next week...