
Saturday, April 9, 2011

poorly coordinated (& A Danish Tragedy)

I'm tired of seeing trench coats on my front page, so here's a trenchless outfit. Parts of it are coordinated, but it looks to me like I had two outfits in mind, and both of them were still duking it out when I got dressed.

Why am I allowed to own a camera?

Hair ribbon thing: lying around. Sweater: uncle's. Fingerless gloves: Bancroft Clothing Store. Floral shorts: DIY. Tights: gift from my brother, Korea somewhere. Flats: Kork-Ease.

I may be woefully behind for Script Frenzy, but it's Saturday, so.

I wrote this when I was 16, and it was performed. I must admit, this crack!script was probably influenced by watching a cast rehearse snatches of "Dogg's Troupe Hamlet" by Tom Stoppard for a theater competition, but I never actually read it, so I can't say for sure.

...I still find parts of this hilarious, which goes to show how bad a joke-teller I am.

I write stuff after the jump.

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