
Saturday, July 10, 2010

I can see you from Mars.

FACT: If you ever get stranded on a desert island, I should be your #3 item to bring along, after food and water. Signal flares not necessary.

This shirt is kind of a fake shirt because it's too long to be a shirt, but it isn't really a tunic because of the slit things on the side. Plus the awkward sleeve length and shoulder pads mean this is more of a disaster than anything else. This is from my second aunt's closet, and she says the front is supposed to be tied (like... a cowgirl, or schoolgirl Britney), but that leaves the back ponderously long and pointless.

In any case.

Above, yellow and black polka-dotted thing: hand-me-down. Floral belt: Goodwill. Jeans: Forever21. Flats: Palladium.

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