
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

the lemon is in play

I wore this to go chasing after little kids at a playground (in an It Was My Little Cousin's Birthday way, not in a Humbert Humbert way). It was really tiring, but it was worth it because I love kids who are still in the early stages of language acquisition. (Their syntax and morphology are so much fun to observe. #maybe this is why i have a linguistics degree)

I rue the day I chopped up my mom's jeans to make these shorts, because I cut them SO UNEVENLY, but the longer leg is the length I wanted.

This pink scarf with metallic gold bits was a gift from Spenser's mom, probably from the day I went over to watch Doctor Who before the summer hiatus and was really, really disappointed (and charmed) by "A Good Man Goes To War."


Denim shorts: mother's, Old Navy + scissors. Jacket: gift. Scarf: gift. Thermal peeking out: Kohl's. Tights: BP Nordstrom. Fake Keds worn within an inch of their lives: Payless.

And since my last post was for the Harry Potter fandom, I claim this post in the name of the BBC radio show Cabin Pressure, which is about a tiny private airline and its crew and their shenanigans (and their pathetic lives).

(If you decide to listen to it... you can probably guess my favorite character is Captain Martin Crieff, and it's not even because Benedict Cumberbatch voices him. HE'S JUST SO PATHETIC I WANT TO LOVE HIM.)

Here's a clip from Season 2, Episode 6, where they're flying to Limerick:

And here's a small set of quotes that I literally laughed out loud at:

MARTIN: It seems the cargo hold heating may not have been turned on.
DOUGLAS: Masterly use of the passive voice. 
ARTHUR: Aha, my signature dish. Behold! Surprising Rice.
DOUGLAS: Good lord!
MARTIN: What are those bits?
ARTHUR: Ah, you see, Skipper, if you don't mind me saying so, that question is entirely against the spirit of Surprising Rice. 
CAROLYN: Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has now illuminated the seat belt sign, so please ensure your baggage and duty-free are safely stowed, your tray tables are folded away, and your seat is returned to the upright position. Or, as they say in Limerick ...
The captain has turned on the signs
So stow away bags of all kinds
Then make sure your tray is folded away
And your seatback no longer reclines. 
MARTIN: But I have always wanted to be an airline captain.
DOUGLAS: Really?
MARTIN: Yes, ever since I was six.
DOUGLAS: Ah! And before that?
MARTIN: I wanted to be an aeroplane.

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