
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Giveaway! "Stars and Gods" by Larry Niven

I've had a busy week-- like most of you I'm sure. We've had family in for the Thanksgiving holiday and that's been terrific. Today, and I hope you don't mind if I talk about family stuff for a minute, we went to my father-in-law's retirement party. What's significant about that is that my FIL is a retiring Major General and the Commander of the California Air Guard. He's such a self-effacing guy that we never hear stories about his service and I got to learn more about what he does today, the day he relinquishes his command, than I have in the last 15 years! He's been in the military for 40 years and has a chest full of commendations dating back to service in Vietnam as an F4 pilot (his dad advised him that it was better to fly over all the crap than to walk through the middle of it-- truer words were never spoken). He doesn't read my blog (I'm not altogether sure he knows what blog is and he refuses to find out since he says he's going "low-tech" now that he's retired) but if he did, I'd want him to know how honored I have been to be treated like a second daughter by such a great guy. And to all of the service men and women out there-- you're all my heroes. Thank you for your service.

I know that's quite a digression, but after spending the day with so many distinguished people today, I felt compelled to show my appreciation. I also feel compelled to tell you that we have family here until Friday. So if I miss a day or two, that's why. I'm still eating too much food and pretending it's Thanksgiving. My hips will never forgive me.

As for the rest of this blog post... Well, as you can imagine, I haven't had much time to work up a post for today. But the timing is good as I like to do one giveaway a week and I think this week's slot is still open. I decided to go with a book that's been out a little while, but it's also written by an old favorite. Maybe it's one you haven't had a chance to pick up yet.

Stars and Gods by Larry Niven

Niven returns with the sequel to his most recent collection, Scatterbrain, which gathers an equally engaging assortment of Niven's latest work, all in one captivating volume. Here are choice excerpts from his most recent novels, including Ringworld's Child, as well as short stories, non-fiction, interviews, editorials, collaborations, and correspondence. Stars and Gods roams all over a wide variety of fascinating topics, from space stations to conventional etiquette.

Give yourself a treat, and feel free to pick the brain of one of modern science fiction's most fascinating thinkers.

Just add your information to the form below to enter (all information is guaranteed confidential and will be discarded once contest ends) and I will randomly pick one winner by Wednesday December 15th.((contest extended until after Christmas due to lag-time of holiday shipping)) No multiple entries please-- all multiple entries will be discarded. Open everywhere.

Good luck!

**Contest Closed**

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