
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

6 Years....

Back in September of 2005 I started blogging. I had been blog-hopping for a couple of years under the strange name of SQT. I got that name by starting out as SactoQt (I'm from the Sacramento area) but the name didn't roll off the tongue and I shortened it to SQT and it stuck. Since then people have tried to figure the name out and, inevitably, they try to stick me with the nickname SQirT-- thankfully that hasn't stuck.

I flirted with different blog ideas but landed on the Fantasy/Sci-fi thing because I liked it-- nothing deeper than that. I was (and still am) a stay-at-home mom in dire need of a hobby. So I wrote. Sometimes I think I've written well-- and other times I cringe when I look as past posts. But overall I'm happy with what I've accomplished over the last six years. I'm not the biggest blog: I don't market myself. But I do get a lot of free books-- so there's that. I've never been overly fond of my blog name-- it's more of a description-- but once I saw the blog name alongside a review in the front cover of a Barb Hendee book I knew the name was staying; and I'm fairly proud to say it's shown up on a few book covers since then.

It's strange looking back to six years ago. There weren't that many book-bloggers back then. I was told at one time that the average lifespan of a blog is one and a half years-- I wonder if that's still true? I find that strangely reassuring when I see brand new blogs with more followers than me-- I'm slow but steady. I'm the tortoise and they're the hare.

I don't know about other bloggers but my blog has been life altering in a way; a small way to be sure-- but still. My spare room is filled with books and it's not unusual to see me sitting at my computer trying to compose a review. It keeps me busy and, in no small way, keeps me happy.

So thank you to those of you who have done me the courtesy of stopping by and commenting once in a while. It may seem like a little thing but it is appreciated, and it keeps me going. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to write and a minor sense of importance to think anyone actually cares about my opinion on anything. Just so you know-- I care what you think and feel privileged to have made your acquaintance.

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