
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Nobody could fake being such an annoying dick all the time.


I feel like a fraud because I'm posting outfit photos from so long ago that I could have gotten pregnant and had a baby by now and you wouldn't know it from my blog. (Well. Actually I'm slightly more caught up than that, but only just.)

So here's an outfit I wore at the end of January, which is... not enough time for a baby but definitely enough time to write 12,000+ words of fanfiction for BBC Sherlock. (Yes, between my last post and this one, I've added 1,000 words of uneventful domestic life at 221B Baker Street. I hate myself a little bit.)

Uh... I think I only wore this because I was really excited to be exiting the house that day.

Obviously too excited as evidenced by this over-twee pose. Why am I allowed to take photos of myself.

Which is kind of pathetic even if you don't think about it very hard, but I mean. You can read the amount of time I'm spending working on a computer by the number of procrastinatory* tumblr posts I make per day, and it's very (very (painfully)) obvious that this post-grad, living-at-home, online-classes, virtual-internship lifestyle is SUCKING THE MARROW FROM MY BONES AND NOT EVEN IN A SEXY HANSCHEN WAY.
*According to the squiggly line in my editor, that's not a word, but.** 
**That wasn't a sentence, but this is a picture from backstage at Dolce & Gabbana, and if you haven't seen this season's show yet, I advise you to GET ON IT, because DAMN.

So anyway, I was practicing my double French braids ending in pigtails, but they turned out messier than I intended. (They'd probably be better with Benedict a lot of hair gel and more dexterous hands, but I don't like washing my hair often, and my tendinitis isn't going away, so my head only looked a little bit alien.)

Note about this sweater: I've had it for at least nine years. Or, to put that into perspective, I've had this sweater since before I owned a bra. 

It's, um, a bit small now, but that's what I was going for.

Sweater: ellemenno. Skirt: secondhand, cousin's. Socks: Target. Chelsea boots: Cole Haan. Necklaces: mother's. Ring: estate sale.

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