
Friday, January 1, 2010

My Resolutions for 2010


Speak more carefully. This means both enunciating and making more precise word choices, because messy use of a language I have total command of makes me sound lazy and un-self-aware, neither of which I ever want to be accused of being.

Stand up straight. Because “Stop slouching” doesn’t seem to be cutting it, and maybe rephrasing this repeat-offender resolution into a positive action (a Do instead of a Do Not) will be more helpful.

Stop wearing clothes that make me feel uncomfortable. On a physical discomfort level, this means I’m purging my closet of everything too small and too tight. On a mental discomfort level, this means I’m saying goodbye to everything that is unflattering, too revealing, not revealing enough, laden with emotional baggage, or ugly. (I see you, clingy off-the-shoulder bouclĂ© Wet Seal sweater that someone borrowed, washed until you pilled, and returned. I am so over you already.)

Expand my vocabulary. Find more creative adjectives to incorporate into my regular speech, and be able to correctly and easily use penury, paucity, remuneration, acumen, and vicissitude, at least in writing. (This list is not yet definite.)

Put myself out there. In my relationships, in school, in work (whatever that means to me), in life – risk embarrassment, embrace looking uncool, open up, allow myself to get hurt really badly, ask for what I want even if I might get a no, and fail spectacularly, because I’ve spent enough time fixating on the unattainable and running away from what I care about.

Those are my new year’s resolutions, 2.5 readers. Thoughts? What about yours?

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